Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Theory of Opposites

I don't know exactly where I read it, but I was introduced to the Theory of Opposites in undergraduate studies. I think it was in a Philosophy class. I really don't even know if it indeed is called the Theory of Opposites. (Hey, if you know this theory please clue me in!)

The theory is that one needs to fully experience something in order to appreciate its opposite. For example, one can really appreciate food and sustenance only when one has experienced extreme hunger. One can only truly experience and comprehend love only when one has experienced being hated by another. One can only appreciate one's health when one has experienced illness.

I believe that this theory has so much truth involved in it. It helps me to realize and understand difficult times in my own life. Subsequently, these difficult times lead to times of contentment and I can then only fully appreciate these times of contentment. I often think that if life were just a series of wonderful experiences it may be terrific for awhile, but then, these times would lose their relevance after a while having nothing to compare them to. This truth helps me to appreciate ALL things that come my way naturally and organically.

Life, I believe, is a succession of wonderment, joy, pain, and acceptance. It's all just perfect as it is. Even the pain. It's bitter and sweet, storms and silence, yin and yang. I think we get overwhelmed when we have the mistaken belief that it's not supposed to be the way it is.

I know that when things go well for a while they will soon become painful again. When things in life are so very painful I wait upon the foul weather to clear and I can appreciate the sun and warmth of life. I believe it's all about non-attachment to things being a certain way that we would like them to be. We can be fully awake and experience each beautiful moment just as it is.

No matter what is happening in our lives at the moment, God is there. His promise is that it will never be more than we can bear. I rest in this promise.

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