Thursday, July 23, 2009

Subconscious Mind Power #8

Subconscious Mind Power Secret #8: Your
subconscious mind is programmed the most easily
when you’re physically relaxed, especially before you
fall asleep at night and right after you wake up in the

You might have heard this before because this advice has been
going around self-help circles for decades. For a long time,
research on this subject focused on brainwaves—beta, alpha, theta
and delta waves.
Some of the earliest formal personal
development courses ever published such as the Silva method, and
also different types of hypnosis, are based on deep breathing and
getting physically relaxed so that you go into an alpha brainwave
state. This is the state where your conscious mind gets out of the
way and your subconscious is more receptive to positive
suggestions and affirmations.
With new technology, we have more even more information about this
now, and what neuroscientists have discovered is that the memory
centers in your brain, such as the hippocampus, can organize, store
and retain information better at those two times, and that new
neuron connections are formed more easily in the 20-30 minutes
right before you pass into sleep and right after you come out of
Reviewing your goals or doing your mental rehearsal sessions at
these times is an effective and scientifically based method.

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