Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Subconscious Mind Power #10

Subconscious Mind Power Secret #10: Your
subconscious mind is impartial and accepts
suggestions and commands literally.

Did you ever hear the expression, “Be careful what you ask for,
you just might get it?” Well, whatever you ask for, if it’s accepted
subconsciously, you will get it whether you want it or not.

Why would you ask for something you don’t want? Obviously you
don’t do it intentionally, but you do it just the same. Consciously
we say we want to change, but unconsciously, there can be some
kind of reward or gain you get from staying the same. Therapists
and hypnotherapists call it secondary gain, and the result is self-sabotaging
behavior. If you have a tendency to sabotage yourself,
you should ask yourself, “What might I be gaining by staying the
same?” or “What might I lose if I change?”

Another way your brain takes you literally is when you set a goal
for what you want to avoid or what you want to get rid of instead
of for what you want to get. That’s one of the biggest and most
common mistakes you can make when setting your goals.

Only your conscious mind can form opinions and judge whether
something is good or bad; your non-conscious simply accepts
everything. So if you say, “I can’t stop eating sugar, I can’t stop
eating sugar,” your subconscious says, “No problem, we can
arrange that.” It doesn’t evaluate whether eating sugar is good or
bad for you. It merely follows instructions. You know on a
conscious level that eating a lot of sugar is unhealthy, but because
of the way you talk to yourself, you could be programming
yourself to eat sugar anyway.

Your brain will help you develop a bad habit or negative behavior
just as easily as a good one because your brain is impartial. It’s just
like a computer: It doesn’t care what kind of data you put in there;
it will carry out whatever program is installed. If you install a virus
on your computer, your computer doesn’t care—it will erase your
hard drive. It’s just following the instructions of the program you downloaded!

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