Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Dr. Crew's NLP Lessons #12


Cartesian Coordinates are, simply put, an NLP reframing technique. The coordinates are: "If I do xxxx, what will happen?", and "If I don't do xxxx what will happen?"

For example, if I am desiring to eat healthier and eat less sugary and fatty foods, I can use these coordinates in this way: "If I eat healthier and eat less junk food, I will feel better, look better, and have a better opportunity to live an independent and happier life." as well as, "If I DON'T eat healthier and eat sugary and fatty foods, I will feel horrible, look bad, and have to live in fear of the consequences of eating this way."

These Cartesian Coordinates are part of many hypnotic suggestions that I use in my Hypnotherapy practice and are especially effective while in a trance and experiencing Theta brainwave patterns. These suggestions exert influence on one's choices and behaviors as they are introduced DIRECTLY into the subconscious mind. These hypnotic suggestions combined with one's INTENTIONS directly influence behavior.

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