Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Step # 5: A.W.A.R.E. Formula: ESTABLISH New Beliefs About Food and the Right Reasons To Eat

One of the most powerful strategies for ending emotional eating or any other undesirable eating habit is one that few people ever consider: examine your beliefs about food and what food means to you, and if necessary, change them.

What is it that makes certain eating behaviors possible for some people but unthinkable for others? It's not that some people have superhuman willpower that lets them easily say no to every temptation. When a behavior VIOLATES one of your strongest beliefs, THERE IS NO TEMPTATION.

If you believed that your body was a divine gift would you desecrate it by poisoning it with junk food? What if you saw your body as a high-performance sports car? Do you think you might fuel it differently? If you saw your body as a fat-burning machine, how do you think affect your attitude toward training and eating mindfully? How would it change your response to adversity if you described yourself as a warrior? Most people do not realize innocent labels and nicknames can actually change behavior and mold an identity. It you're going to label yourself anyway, why not choose EMPOWERING labels?

It has been discovered that fit, lean, and healthy people have a unique set of beliefs about food and a distinct set of metaphors they use to describe food and what food is for. They are:
Food is fuel.
Food is the best medicine.
Food is construction material for my body.
Food stokes the fire of metabolism.
Fruit is nature's candy.
Lean protein is the lean muscle builder.
High-fiber foods are nature's Roto-Rooter.

When we look at food this way, food is no longer the problem. Food is the solution and you become driven to eat the right foods rather than to avoid food.

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