Monday, March 23, 2009

Step # 3: A.W.A.R.E. Formula: ARREST the Negative Patterns when they happen

As your level of awareness increases, you will change from an unconscious eater to a conscious eater. This provides you with the opportunity to interrupt or arrest the negative eating pattern before carrying it out.

When you become aware of an urge to eat inappropriately, it's an important moment of decision. Awareness gives you the chance to have a conversation with yourself in those critical moments before you act. The important thing is to stop, pause, and think before you eat. That gives you the time to ask yourself some important questions:
Am I thinking about eating because I am physically hungry or for another reason?
If it's not for physical hunger, then why am I thinking about this?
What will be the immediate consequences if I eat this?
What will be the long-term consequences if I eat this?
Is eating this going to move me closer to or farther away from my goals?
Is eating this really worth it?

You will feel better if you eat for the right reasons and find more constructive ways to cope with your feelings.

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