Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Static Stretching Techniques

So when does one stretch ...?? Before a workout, after, both, or the next day. This has long been a controversial topic in the fitness industry. There are proponants of different schools of thought citing references backing up their claims. Certainly, stretching muscles, joints and ligaments are necessary for one's increased flexibility and conditioning, and will prevent injuries. Lastest research indicates that the most beneficial technique is to warm up cold and non-stretched muscles for 5-10 minutes by using cardio equipment such as a treadmill or bike, THEN, when the body has a chance to warm stretching can begin.Then the workout can begin in earnest knowing that the muscles and all connective tissue is ready to work hard. Stretches should be done in a way that stretches the whole body and NEVER by anyone stretching another person. ( The other person will not feel what the person stretching feels so you can see how potentially dangerous this can be.) Once the training session is over, post workout stretches are necessary.

My fellow fitness trainer friend, Art, said it best when it comes to the stretching process. He states that muscles are like a stick of chewing gum. When the gum is cold and hard it cannot be stretched or it will break. Once the gum is exposed to warmer temperatures it can stretch and bend easily. Thanks, Art. You know how much I love the use of metaphor in my work!!

Dr. Crew is available for personal one-on-one fitness and strength training sessions at his Mind-Body Fitness studio. A session can be comprised of proper static stretches and techniques to enhance one's performance, fitness level, and and well-being.

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