Thursday, November 20, 2008

Mindful Eating (and mindful EVERYTHING)

A good friend of mine and fellow therapist Rod Borrie and I were having a discussion of mindfulness and the subject got around to healthy eating and growing older. He shared with me the relationship between mindfulness and eating. I had never thought of this before. ( I know I don't always catch on too quickly). I had one of those aha moments! Mindfulness and how it pertains to using all of the 5 senses to enjoy each and every bite of food. So food is not just a tasting experience alone. Food is listened to, smelled, looked at in a different way, and tactiley enjoyed in the mouth. WOW! What an experience to eat this way. Slowly and mindfully: utilizing all 5 senses with each bite. I added appreciation and gratefulness to this mindful practice and it was enhanced further!

Now, I am human. There are times, perhaps too many to mention, when I devour food like a little piggy. But, these are becoming fewer and fewer as I become more mindful. Try it for even one meal. It will change the way you eat forever. The Bhuddah said the way we do any one thing is the way we do everything. I notice when I eat mindfully and with gratefulness it makes me become more aware of other ways I can be equally as mindful and appreciative.

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