Wednesday, March 18, 2009

New series: The A.W.A.R.E. Formula: 5 steps to end emotional eating

Awareness is the starting point of change, because you can't solve a problem you do not acknowledge. You are about to learn how to develop a keen awareness of your behavior patterns, how to stop negative patterns dead in their tracks, and how to replace them with new ones. Lastly, you will learn how to make these changes permanent by literally rewiring your nervous system so the negative patterns are less likely to occur and positive new eating behaviors will run on autopilot.

There are 5 simple steps to this process called the A.W.A.R.E. Formula. Here is the basic outline. In each blog entry I will elaborate more on each step individually. They are:
1)Becoming AWARE of your eating patterns and behaviors.
2)WATCH OUT for your emotional eating triggers.
3)ARREST the behavior patterns when they happen.
4)REPLACE the old emotional eating behavior with more constructive alternatives.
5)ESTABLISH new beliefs about food and the right reasons for eating.

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