Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Doing what we say

It has been said that all we really have in the end is our honor. I believe, to some extent, that this is essentially true. When we are viewed to be unreliable or untrustworthy we have no respect in the eyes of others. It causes them to not take us seriously and devalues us as human beings. Doing psychotherapy for over 27 years now I can say that all things are workable in a relationship when both parties can trust what each other say is true and can be relied upon. So many relationships suffer or even end when this trust is gone.

I strive for others to see me as someone who does what they say they will do; someone who can be relied upon. I never mind when I am not liked due to who I am and for what I believe. But, I never want anyone to say that I did not do what I had promised or cannot be trusted.

To me, this is more than just following up with what one agrees to do. It has to do with being on time, being fully prepared, keeping confidences, and accepting full responsibility for our actions.

I have learned over the years to be very careful of what I commit to as I know I will have to keep these commitments. I try to carefully consider all options and attempt to be very mindful of what I promise to do. I know it's fine to decline or to say I do not have the time nor the desire to do something. However, once I "sign on" to something I have to follow through with what I have committed to.

I have seen too many examples of people who give their word and do not do what they say. To me, they are people who are unprofessional and lack character. They have harmed their reputation in how they conduct themselves.


Lea Keating said...

Needed to hear this one today. Thanks Crew!

Dr. Crew said...

You're welcome, my dear friend. I love you.