Monday, March 16, 2009


"Adversity teaches a man about himself." Anonymous

After difficult or challenging times we often realize that although we never would have chosen to go through a particular situation, we have learned a lot in the process. It could be a job situation, a relationship issue, or even trouble with the law. When we bump up against something hard-something that pushes back at us, our strength is tested, forcing us to draw upon unknown reserves.

A mountain climber standing on a safe ledge finds it difficult to move forward onto a more frightening spot. After he has completed the route he looks back and feels good about himself as he has met the challenge. We meet these challenges in many ways in our lives and they help us build our self respect.

Whatever is facing us, we may have to deal with it ourselves, but we do not have to be alone when we do it. We can reach out for support while we do what we must. These difficulties are part of being human and they help us to see more fully who we truly are.

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