Friday, July 31, 2009

What Do Quakers Believe?-- New Series

Over the years, I have been asked so many times what I as a Quaker believe. I thought it would be helpful for me to begin a new series on Quaker history and doctrine.

The lack of a creed or clear description of Quaker beliefs has sometimes led to the misconception that Friends do not have beliefs or that one can believe anything and be a Friend. Most Quakers take the absence of a creed as an invitation and encouragement to exercise an extra measure of personal responsibility for the understanding and articulation of Quaker faith.

Rather than rely on priests or professional theologians, each believer is encouraged to take seriously the personal disciplines associated with spiritual growth. Out of lives of reflection, prayer, faithfulness, and service flow the statements of belief, both in word and in deed.

Beginning today, I will hopefully shed some LIGHT(!) on my being a Quaker and how my beliefs intersect so well with my Buddhist philosophical bend.

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