Thursday, July 16, 2009

Subconscious Mind Power #2

Non-Conscious and Subconscious Neurons can fire 800 times faster than Conscious Neurons!

There’s a trademarked expression in the field of neuro-linguistic
programming (NLP) that says, “Your brain works faster than you
can think.” Neuroscientists have proven that this is literally true
and very important, because if you believe that your conscious
thoughts are what control most of your behavior—think again.

The subconscious can make decisions in milliseconds. Research
studies have shown that you can’t consciously see a picture that’s
flashed on a screen for less than 50/1000 of a second. But your
non-conscious neurons can see it and react to it.

Your subconscious mind can trigger instantaneous behavior faster than
you can think. You can slam on the brakes instantly without
thinking about it consciously if an animal runs in front of your car.
Your brain works at lighting fast speeds. This is very helpful in
situations where you have to make instant decisions that affect
your safety and well being. It’s also important in sports and for
technical skills that require split-second precision. Unfortunately,
it’s also why you do things—and eat things—impulsively.

William Gehring and Adrian Willoughby at the University of
Michigan published a study in the prestigious journal Science that
proved that unconscious mental processing leads to impulsive
decisions being made without consulting your conscious mind.
This means that you make decisions and take action many times
every day without consciously thinking about it.

Did you ever do something that was completely illogical or
irrational and was totally opposite to what you said you wanted?
You later asked yourself, “Why did I do that?” Well, why did you
do that? Why would you possibly stuff your face with 2000
calories of fat and sugar in a binge when your conscious desire is to
get a leaner body? The only explanation is because your
subconscious mind is running most of the show, and there was an
unconscious reason for this behavior that served you at some level.

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