Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Seven Superfoods You Need to be Eating

The 7 Superfoods You Should Be Eating

In order to stay healthy – now and well into your future years, it is important that you eat the right foods. The old adage “you are what you eat” is definitely true when it comes to good health. So much so, that science has identified certain foods as “superfoods” – those foods which are packed with powerful nutrients to help you live a longer, healthier life.

There are seven superfoods that you should not miss when it comes to good health. How many of these superfoods are you eating on a daily basis? If you’re not getting enough of these superfoods, you might want to reconfigure your diet:
1. Blueberries - Loaded with Antioxidants Antioxidants help keep your immune system healthy, and help fight off those nasty free radicals that lead to accelerated aging. Some foods are loaded with more antioxidants and vitamins than others. Blueberries are considered to be not only a superfood, but a “superfruit” as well. Not only are they packed with antioxidants, they are also high in the B vitamins, niacin as well as vitamin C. They are considered to be one of the healthiest foods you can eat and are among the healthiest domestic fruits. Fresh blueberries are your best bet, however. As is the case with most fruits and vegetables, the health content can be slightly compromised if eaten frozen or canned.
2. Broccoli - Loaded with B Vitamins Broccoli is considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables and is loaded with essential B vitamins. You should try to eat this green veggie a couple of times a week for good overall health. Broccoli is also loaded with antioxidants and, like blueberries, is thought to ward off certain types of cancer.
3. Brazil Nuts - Great for the Heart Brazil nuts are great for your heart. Like most nuts, they are high in protein and fat (the “good” fat), but are very beneficial for boosting your heart strength. Nuts are an excellent form of protein and studies indicate that Brazil nuts are one of the best varieties to eat for heart health.
4. Apples - Keep the Doctor Away The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is true! Apples are also loaded with vitamins and will not only keep the doctor away, but the dentist, too. Again, it is essential to eat apples fresh in order to receive the true health benefits. So sorry, apple pie doesn’t apply!
5. Salmon - Keep Cholesterol in Check Fatty fish can help keep cholesterol in check and you can find this in salmon - a food that is high in Omega-3s. In fact, research has shown that fish oils can actually help lower your cholesterol. In addition to being great for the heart, salmon is also an excellent source of protein.
6. Whole Grains - Essential for Good Health Make sure that you get a daily source of fiber from whole grains, such as oatmeal, brown rice, or pastas, cereals and breads made with whole grains. These foods are often a great source of niacin, the B vitamins and fiber, (necessary for a healthy digestive tract). When your digestive tract is healthy, it seems that your entire body is, too. Eat plenty of whole grains in order to have good digestive – and overall - health.
7. Dark Chocolate – Good for Blood Pressure And you thought all superfoods were of the traditional “health food” type! More and more research is pointing to the fact that dark chocolate is instrumental in regulating blood pressure. This yummy treat is also packed full of antioxidants. The trick is to get the right kind. Bypass milk chocolate (and white chocolate) for the dark variety with 60% or higher cocoa content. In fact, the darker, the better. In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content.

There are numerous other superfoods that you can eat when it comes to following a “balanced” diet. Most of them consist of fruits and vegetables - all essential to good health. These seven are just a few to start with . . . so what are you waiting for?

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