Friday, July 17, 2009

Dr. Crew's NLP Lessons #20


Mind states refer to our complete mental condition when we are attempting to reach our designated goals and objectives.

Our mind state must be aligned so that our emotions and thoughts are perfectly congruent with achieving any goal. If our mind state is in any way ambivalent or compromised, we risk setting into motion an incongruence that may haunt us as we venture toward any desired goal.

For example, if we are meeting with someone and find ourselves distracted in any way we can risk how we are perceived by this person we are meeting. They will either see clearly or have a feeling that things "just didn't go right" during the meeting with us. Sometimes, people will say something like, " I don't know, but I feel we just didn't click." Actually, they are being quite perceptive in that we were not being absolutely present and mindful while we are meeting with them. Positive rapport will not be reached due to a disconnect.

This can occur even within ourselves. Say for example, we have set a goal of working out regularly and being more mindful of our caloric intake. We intend to drop some weight. If we find ourselves in an ambivalent mind state when we are around unhealthier food we may begin to lack the congruence with our goal and mind state to make decisions that will bring us closer to our goals. Or, if we stay in bed when the clock rings rather than to get out to the gym, we are exhibiting an ambivalent mind state to reach this same goal.

So, check in with your mind state and be amazed at what you can achieve when all things are pointed in the same direction. Once this is flowing---nothing can stop you!!

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