Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nirvana and Enlightenment #155

One of the leading distractions to embracing Nirvana is the unnecessary seriousness which many people bring to the Spiritual Path.

"I am on the road to enlightenment, there is no room for frivolity."

Why must spiritual people be so sullen?
Why should spiritual people not be able to laugh?

Let go of the false impressions.
Let go of the vision of silent monks meditatively walking through the corridors of some ashram, making their way down the path to meet some form of enlightenment where there is no joy.

Nirvana is not serious.
The only people who place unnecessary seriousness upon it are those who have not basked in its pure glory.

Feel its essence,
and LAUGH!


Halina said...

This is such fun!
I felt like blogging "about" enlightenment today, and having done so I find myself surfing the web and seeing reflection, reflections, reflections -- different expressions of the same lightness. I love it, and smile a happy smile. :-)

Dr. Crew said...

Hi Halina!
Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Thanks also for your comment.

Dr. Crew