Thursday, November 20, 2008

Schema Therapy

Schemas are our own individual way of seeing the world. They are our frames of reference. Often, when one has experienced a difficult childhood schemas develop that are maladaptive and self destructive. For example, if a child learns rejection they are likely to develop a schema based upon fears of rejection from others. If a child is not loved unconditionally they are likely to see the world as a place where they experience the schema of unlovability. Other schemas include abandonment, failure, mistrust, self-centeredness, and rage.

These maladaptive schema patterns tend to be repeated and replicated in relationships with others even manifesting in whom one develops relationships with. As time goes by, these schema patterns become the lens through which we see the world. They shape and cloud all situations and interactions resulting in unhealthy relationships and behaviors. Eventually, without treatment schemas develop into long standing pathological and maladaptive habits in cognition and action. Mindfulness practice and psychotherapy can bring awareness to these schema patterns. We can come to closure with these patterns and live our lives with authenticity and finally be free of old out of date messages from our past about who we are and the way the world is. We can make peace with the past so we can open our experience for the present moment. This will drastically influence our future.

Dr. Crew works with existing schema patterns in a safe and supportive environment. Gestalt therapy and mindfulness combined with cognive behavioral treatment techniques and ego-supportive psychotherapy can assist one in confronting these demons of the past leading to contentment and acceptance of past experiences. These experiences and schema patterns do NOT have to hold power over us any longer.

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