Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The CONFUSION PRINCIPLE of Resistance Training

I attended NYStrength, Inc. for my Master Trainer's certification in fitness and strength training. The director of the institute, Dr. Jack Barnathan, emphasized the confusion principle of training. This is, quite simply, that the body will adapt to any training regimen that is repeated often. This will ensure that muscles will resist growing stronger when the routine of resistance training is not changed. For example, using machines each and every workout (on a circuit ) will limit the benefits of all the work being done at the gym. Or, if one uses JUST dumbells for every workout this will occur as well. While working a particular muscle or groups of muscles it is important to alter and modify the exercises as well. Or, one can vary the movement from a heavy workout one day to a lighter workout with more repetitions. I believe that in order to make the body work harder and show more excellent results it is necessary to introduce as much change in routines as possible when training.

Workouts can be adapted so that each workout introduces a varied routine such as using dumbells followed by circuit machines the next session and possibly resistance band tubing the next workout. The following workout can be done with pulley or cable exercises. Each mode of training incorporates differences in the plane and angle of the movement and works slightly different muscles then the other. Other variables can also be utilized such as body weight training and the adjustment of the bench setting used to perform exercise sets. A technique called "super slows" or a static hold will accomplish this muscle confusion technique as well.

While performing cardio routines one can apply this same principle by switching cardio machines each cardio day or by modifying the intensity or speed of a particular machine. Even by adding incline to the deck of a treadmill introduces this principle.

Keep the body guessing. Don't let it know what's coming next. This way the body can achieve the most benefit as it rests and recovers on off days. As always, become aware of perfect training forms so not to injure yourself while performing training. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I see people lifting weights in a way that will certainly injure them. As Dr. Jack says they will feel pain "soon and for the rest of their life" by performing sets improperly. (Look for info. on proper training form and technique in upcoming blogs).

Come and experience a workout at the Mind-Body Fitness Studio. Train with a licensed Master Fitness Trainer who is a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist as well.

Appointments can be made by calling 631-880-2531.

Dr. Crew Lauterbach, Ph.D., CMFT

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