Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Relapse Mistake #7: Poor Coping and Stress Management Styles

High levels of stress, unexpected life events, and negative emotions can all lead to weight regain if you don't have strong and effective coping mechanisms to deal with them.

Maintainers experience the same nonhealth stresses that relapsers do: financial difficulties, family issues, and work stress. The difference is, relapsers use FOOD to distract themselves or escape from negative feelings rather than confront their problems head-on and develop alternative coping mechanisms.

To maintain your weight, you have to continue reminding yourself that food is for fuel, for nourishment, and for bodybuilding material, not for coping with stress! If you haven't mastered stress management and developed effective coping skills during the fat-loss phase, then it will be a struggle to maintain your weight goal even if you manage to attain it.

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