Monday, April 27, 2009

What Are You Judgmental About?

It can be difficult for us to recognize or accept that people we have problems with are actually mirroring for us the disowned parts of ourselves.

One simple way to tell is when you begin to feel very judgmental towards that person. Underneath, you may be jealous. Perhaps this person is expressing a kind of energy that you may hold back or don't allow yourself to express. They may be out of balance in an opposite way from you. It is not necessary to become like they are, or to go to an extreme. Just recognize that you may need to allow yourself to develop a little more of that energy.

For example, if you tend to be a quiet, reserved person you might feel judgmental toward someone who seems to grab a lot of attention. They may be mirroring a part of you who would like to receive more attention from others.

We can ask ourselves where in our lives we are being judgmental, towards ourselves or toward others. How is this showing us a part of ourselves that we don't accept?

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