Friday, August 13, 2010


“Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity.”

Edwin Hubbell Chapin

Life can seem so brief and random. Try as we may to give life meaning, it often seems like there should be something more–like we should be doing more to make our lives matter before time goes on without us.

We get so caught up trying to matter that we forget how much we already do. We get so fixated on changing the world that we forget we shape it every day.

Make no mistake about it: every time you choose to be passionate, mindful, thoughtful, considerate, generous, gracious, fearless or kind you change the world for the better. People notice, people benefit, and whether they remember or not, they are better for it.
Be mindful of the actions that might seem insignificant.

They are the fabric of your legacy.