Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Your Scale Could Be Sabataging Your Success

When you start a new diet most people would warn you against falling back into your old eating habits or not sticking to a set exercise schedule. However, your biggest enemy may be your scale! Recent studies have proven that those who check their weight too often resort to unhealthy diet tactics such as skipping meals, smoking, diet pills, or laxatives to reach their weight loss goals. It is also proven that those who weigh themselves daily tend to gain more weight than those who weigh themselves less often (such as weekly).

Keeping a Check on your Weight
When beginning a diet the first step is to know how much your beginning weight is, and then set your goal weight. You need to go one step further, however, and set realistic weekly weight loss goals. But don’t get on the “weigh every day” bandwagon. It is actually recommended that you only check your weight once or twice per week to keep an eye on your progress. Why so infrequently? By checking in only once every few days, you will have more encouraging results. Rather than the frustration of not seeing the needle on the scale move from one day to the next, it’s much more motivating to see a drop in a pound or two over a week’s time.

A Day in the Life of the Scale
It is also important to understand that your weight will fluctuate throughout the day and it is recommended that you check your weight first thing in the morning. As you eat and drink fluid during the day your weight will go up and down, so checking your weight more than once per week (or even worse, more than once per day) can discourage many new dieters. Dietary considerations, such as a high-sodium meal the night before (Chinese take-out anyone?) can also affect the number on the scale. And, if you’re a woman, don’t let your period get you down. All that water retention you experience can add up to extra pounds. If you don’t weigh yourself first thing in the morning, make sure to pick a time that can be consistent every time you step on the scale. This will ensure that you’re getting an accurate reflection of your weight loss.

Ensure Your Success
Those who check their weight weekly are also more likely to follow healthy diet and exercise practices. These include a daily exercise program such as walking or going to a gym. It has been scientifically proven that those who follow healthy diet and exercise programs are more likely to experience long-term results. A balanced diet with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy protein and whole grains is a great way to start.

When embarking on a new diet or trying to maintain your weight it is important to weigh yourself regularly to keep track of your progress. But, it is also important not to check your weight too often. There are many things that can sabotage a diet and the scale is the biggest enemy of them all if it is used too frequently.

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