Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Be Careful of Calorie-Rich Drinks

Simply put, they are drinks which are high in fat and/or sugar.

A can of soda, for example, has 150 calories and 42 grams of sugar! You can still have a plain cup of coffee, which isn't high in calories. It's when you add cream and sugar, caramel, flavored syrups and other fattening, high calorie ingredients that it becomes a problem.Tall cappuccinos offer up more than 200 calories. Lattes contain 340 calories and a mocha has more than 40 grams of sugar and a whopping 470 calories! Dessert coffees like these have now taken a close second place to sodas as the primary source of excess calories contributing to obesity.

There are two big problems here. These drinks often have more calories than you need in an entire meal, and these drinks offer no nutritional value for fat loss and good health in general. So, just as you need to choose your foods wisely, be careful what you drink as well.

Always look at the labels for sugars, fat, and total calories. Juices can be high in sugar and calories too. It's not the same as eating a whole piece of fruit. With juice, you don't get the healthy fiber and not nearly the amount of vitamins and minerals that fruit offers.

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