Monday, June 15, 2009

Dr. Crew's NLP Lessons #4(A)


You have no doubt encountered ANCHORING many times in your life. For example, if you are listening to the radio and a song comes on and instantly reminds you of a time in your life-then that song is an auditory anchor for you.

Or, maybe every time you smell chocolate chip cookies being baked, you instantly remember your Grandmother's house and times you spent with her. We would call that smell of chocolate chip cookies an olfactory anchor (sense of smell).

In fact, an anchor can involve ANY of our five senses. An ANCHOR is quite simply a STIMULUS causing a RESPONSE.

The wonderful thing about ANCHORING is that it causes a powerful resource state within seconds.

I know an award-winning speaker that has anchored feelings of confidence and charisma to a particular jacket he wears whenever he does a presentation. He claims to be "in the zone" without even thinking about it!

TOMORROW!!! Part Two of the ANCHORING technique. This will be how we put this technique into practice in our lives.

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