Tuesday, July 10, 2012

True Change and Habit Energy

TRUE change occurs when enough stress is applied to alter the form of a pattern of thinking or behaving and set a new trajectory.
Until you pass that key stress point, the efforts exerted are often not visible and in fact can be undone quite easily.

But once you pass that key point, once you push through that discomfort, you have altered the course of things. The work you’ve done has finally surpassed that stress point and made tangible, visible changes. It has also set a new course.

Once you’ve passed this point, the change can’t be undone. At least not without an equal amount of effort to change it back.
How long will it take? We actually know the answer to this question. It takes between 15-25 days to change a maladaptive habit.
The really cool thing, in my opinion, is that we can collapse a negative habit while simultaneously creating a positive habit!

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