Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Making Fitness Fun

Any kind of physical activity that gets your heart rate up will help you get fit. Forget about burning calories or getting the perfect body, and focus on finding something you enjoy. Making fitness fun is the best way to stick with an exercise program.

Sure, you could grit your way through a boot-camp class that you hate, but it won’t earn you a sleek physique if you can’t keep at it week in and week out. When you make fitness a regular part of your routine by doing something you enjoy, you’re more likely to see the physical results you’re after.

Sign up for a class that you might enjoy or an activity you’ve never tried before. If you thrive in a social atmosphere, the camaraderie of a class can help you stay motivated. If you’re intimidated by group dynamics, ask a friend to take lessons with you.

Some options to explore: Pilates class at your adult education center, self-defense at the martial arts studio, water aerobics at the YMCA, or tennis or ballroom-dancing lessons. (Call Victor Goldman--631-928-4114).

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