Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Willpower Advantage

Tempted to give up? Don’t. Your beliefs about willpower determine how long and how well you’re able to work on a tough mental exercise.
Think you don’t have what it takes to finish a difficult project? According to researchers at Stanford University, your beliefs about willpower greatly influence how long and how well you’re able to perform a difficult task.

If you think of willpower as something that’s limited, you’re more likely to tire out when working on a challenge. Believing self-discipline is not easily depleted, on the other hand, will allow you to persevere for longer. The same holds true for procrastinating and taking breaks. Thinking that your brain needs a few minutes to recharge determines how long you’ll be able to stick with a task before losing focus.
According to procrastination expert Piers Steel, willpower has enormous reserves, and trusting in your ability will help you accomplish your goals.

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