Friday, September 10, 2010

Deep Lessons

“Whenever something negative happens to you, there is a deep lesson concealed within it.”

Eckhart Tolle

Things might not happen for a reason, but we can always find a reason to move on enriched.

We can let disappointments devastate us; or we can move on in humility, finding opportunities within the hardship.

We can let frustrations consume us; or we can foster a sense of peace and balance, choosing not to live in a constant state or reaction to our circumstances.

We can let dissatisfaction gnaw away at our spirits, assuming it’s too late to create life as we want to experience it; or we can live powerfully in the now, choosing every day to do something that makes us feel fulfilled.

These are the options we’re given in life–to drown in our sorrow about what we can’t control, or soar in the possibilities of everything we can.

What do you choose today?

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