Monday, December 14, 2009

Self Meditation 23

Test the law of affirmation.

If you can affirm something deeply, totally, and absolutely, it starts becoming real.
That is why people are happy; they affirm joy.
That is why people are miserable; they affirm misery.
Make it a point to stop affirming the negative and start affirming the positive.
It is a magic key.

1 comment:

Anirudh Kumar Satsangi said...

Meditation is being practiced by the sages, seers and saints etc. since the dawn of the human civilization. In modern days its applicability for the well-being of the mankind is widely recognized. There are various types of meditation such as Integral Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Royal Yoga, Sahaj Yoga, Surat Shabd Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Zen etc. Surat Shabd Yoga which is practiced by the followers of the Radhasoami Faith, provides comprehensive package of meditation system i.e. mantra yoga, dhyan yoga and nad yoga. Surat Shabd Yoga has three components –I. Sumiran, repetition of holy name. This resembles mantra yoga. 2. Dhyan or contemplation of holy form resembles Dhyan yoga. 3. Bhajan, practice of listening internal sounds. This practice resembles nad yoga. It is evident from this description that practice of Surat Shabd Yoga is most ideal for spiritual evolution as well as physical and psychological well being. SURAT SHABD YOGA IS ‘3-in-1’.