Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Post Holiday Blues

It is common that many people experience dysphoria and sadness after the holidays. There is often so much excitement and anticipation with the holidays that often there follows feelings of emptiness and despair. Many describe that the holidays weren't so wonderful as they had anticipated they would be. Others compare the recent holidays to other holidays they remember. These memories often are romanticized and embellished. What is almost always a problem is that so many times we lose sight of the moment when we reminisce and dwell on past holidays. We can get caught up with languishing in negative self talk and ineffectively comparing holiday memories. We may become more aware of those we love who have died or relationships that have ended.

The weather is cold and the days are shorter. Many of us go to work in the darkness and arrive at home in the darkness. There are no big holidays until Spring and many are prone to seasonal affective depression. There are less "signs of life" in our environment to remind us of the beauty of life. Sometimes, we can find ourselves in a morbid or negative frame of mind.

We need to concentrate our efforts in the here and now. The time we have now is in our hands. Waking up a bit earlier, if possible, can assist with moods. Getting outside on lunch breaks and on non working days can be beneficial. Exercise and winter sports have proven effective for others. A lightbox, a professional tool which is incredibly similar to natural sunlight, is a solution for many others. Fragrances, aromatherapy, and music all have proven to be helpful for many people.

I find that a brisk walk in the afternoon is helpful as well as opening up the window shades and allowing as much natural sunlight in my office beneficial in positively affecting my mood. I find it enjoyable to use this time of the year to be more reflective and to enjoy toasty nights around the fireplace with those I love and enjoy spending time with. I find these months quieter and I have more opportunity to be places where there are less crowds and noise.

Lastly, it is often helpful to remind ourselves that there is a cycle to life. It is the cold which makes us appreciate and enjoy the warmer days. It is the darker days which lead us to truly appreciate the long sunny days ahead of us in the coming months. It is the bareness of trees and the landscape which gives us the chance to become more aware of the beauty of Spring and Summer. A shift in perspective is sometimes all it takes to change our viewpoint. WE are ALWAYS in control of what we choose to dwell on.

Dr. Crew is available for treatment of Seasonal Affective depression and post holiday "blues." Light therapy is available as well as post holiday psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. Appointments can be made by calling 880-2531.

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