Monday, May 16, 2011

Body Fat Burning Tip

Boost your fat-burning ability by switching your salad dressing to vinaigrette. A daily dose of vinegar helps get rid of body fat.
Want to rev up your body’s fat-burning engine? Add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar to your daily diet. Research shows that obese people who took one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day dissolved more body fat than those who were on an identical vinegar-free diet.

According to the study, the tart condiment packs a one-two punch for people trying to shed their love handles. Not only does it help the body burn fat, it also makes it harder for the body to store it. Though two tablespoons of vinegar a day may help keep fat away, it should not replace a sensible diet or exercise — your golden road to sustained weight loss. When dieters stopped taking vinegar, their levels of body fat returned to their pre-study levels within just four weeks.

1 comment:

Lose Baby Fat said...

I will have the time for this. Maybe this will be very useful in making my body slim as well as to burn fats. I always uphold my weight and do a lot of work out and sure to it that I am in correct diet.