Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Healthy Snacking

Just because you’re on a diet doesn’t mean you have to nix snacks from the menu. In fact, snacking can be a smart way to control hunger and keep from overeating at your next meal. Just be wary of snacking routines, which could encourage you to eat when you’re not hungry.
Research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that midmorning snackers lost less weight than those who didn’t snack before lunch. The reason for this, the researchers believe, is because of the relatively short amount of time between breakfast and lunch. “Midmorning snacking might be a reflection of recreational or mindless eating habits rather than eating to satisfy true hunger,” explains lead researcher Anne McTiernan, MD. Instead, let your hunger guide you, stick with healthful snacks under 200 calories, and try not to go more than five hours without eating.

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