Thursday, December 31, 2009

5 Simple Changes in Your Eating for the New Year

If you are like millions of others who have some pounds to shed, you want it gone yesterday. But at the same time you do not want to suffer or go hungry. Luckily you don’t have to go through drastic measures to get results. In many cases, you can make little changes that will help you lose the weight – and keep it off. It's a new year. Here are some suggestions that can help you make this new year a fat loss year.

Don't turn to a “crash” diet or get frustrated in your weight loss attempts. Instead try incorporating these five simple changes into your lifestyle. You will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Start Moving More
This does not necessarily mean that you have to take up training for a marathon, or start an aerobics routine that you will abandon at the first sign of boredom. But it does mean that you should start “moving” a little bit more each day. Whether it’s a brisk 20-minute walk during your lunch break, or going a few extra blocks when walking the dog, you can make strides in your weight loss attempts. It may not seem like a lot, but even this little change will bring a bit more of the activity that you need to maintain a healthy weight.

Start Counting Calories
Look for a chart online that gives the amount of calories that you should be eating on a daily basis. Then look for calorie charts that display the amount of calories in the foods that you eat. Record everything you eat along with the fat and calories in a food diary. Sometimes just being aware of what you eat will make a huge impact on your weight loss program. Many people do not realize that a great deal of their favorite foods are loaded with fats and sugars, which in turn add up to enormous calories and subsequent weight gain. When you start counting calories and create an awareness of the calories that you are consuming, you will start to lose weight.

Replace All of your Drinks with Water
By replacing juices, soft drinks and alcohol with water, you can potentially drop up to 30 pounds in a single month (assuming you are drinking these drinks regularly). It makes sense when you consider that a can of soda can have up to 180 calories, and that many people drink up to six or more cans a day. While some people understand that their soda habit is a cause for concern when it comes to weight loss, others do not even realize that they are consuming so many calories in this manner. If you’re either one of these types, you’ll be amazed at how much weight you can drop simply switching to water.

Stay Away from Sweets
Sweets are empty calories. What does that mean? Basically, they offer no nutritional value whatsoever, but rather end up on your belly, thighs and backside as stored fat. If you want to achieve lasting weight loss, you need to stay away from cakes, cookies, candy and sugared drinks. That doesn’t mean that you can never have a treat, however. Just remember to try to limit the intake of sweets in your diet.

Eat Slowly and Mindfully
It takes approximately 15-20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your stomach that you are nearing satiation. SLOW DOWN, enjoy each bite of your food. Use all 5 senses to really enjoy and appreciate your eating experience.

While successful weight loss is not impossible, it can sometimes seem that way. But simply by incorporating these small changes into your everyday (and otherwise healthy) lifestyle, you can achieve your weight-loss goals.

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