Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Keep your triglycerides down. A new study shows elevated triglycerides — a type of fat found in the blood — may greatly impact one's risk of stroke, even more so than other risk factors, such as high total cholesterol. Your doctor measures your triglyceride levels during cholesterol profile screenings.
In addition to learning your LDL and HDL numbers, make sure you know your triglyceride count as well. If you have high triglycerides (150 mg/dl or higher), you may be able to lower them without medication.
Extra calories, alcohol and sugar from our diet are converted into triglycerides and stored in fat cells throughout the body.
Limiting the amount of sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol you consume will help to lower your triglycerides. Keeping your calorie intake in the recommended range will also help.

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