Monday, May 3, 2010

Post Workout Routines For Relaxation

Post Workout Routines for Relaxation

You've just finished a vigorous workout--whether it was a 5-mile jog around the lake or an afternoon at the gym. Now, it's time to refuel, relax, and rejuvenate. Need some ideas for a pleasurable post-workout recovery session that doesn't involve flopping down on the couch?

Well, if you're already at the gym, take advantage of the sauna and steam room, or even massage services, if they're offered. If you're at home, draw yourself a warm bath with aromatherapy oils (lavender for relaxation and peppermint for muscle fatigue) to help relieve any soreness.

You could even light a candle and play some soft music for the ultimate calming experience. Make yourself a refreshing fruit smoothie to put some calories back into your body and help your muscles recover after a workout.

If you're really sore, put some ice cubes into a freezer bag, wrap that in a dry towel, and apply to sore areas for a few minutes at a time.

Another way to prevent soreness the next day is to grab a yoga mat and do a nice slow stretch before going to bed. This will help you have a more restful sleep, in addition to reducing soreness.

You may also want to try some deep breathing or meditation exercises to help you settle into a state of complete mental relaxation, which will in turn help your body to relax.

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