Monday, October 11, 2010

Parenthood and Blood Pressure

Worried that having kids will raise your blood pressure? Relax. Research suggests parenthood is actually linked to lower blood pressure.

If you’re on the fence about having kids, here’s one piece of information to consider: Raising kids may lower blood pressure. Though you may associate parenthood with sleepless nights and gray hairs, research at Brigham Young University suggests that the benefits may outweigh the sacrifices — at least when it comes to your health.

According to the report, published in the journal Annals of Behavioral Medicine, moms scored 12 points lower than non-moms in systolic blood pressure and seven points lower in diastolic blood pressure. This builds on the author’s previous research, which shows fulfilling relationships can help protect our health.

While this might add to the case to have kids, don’t bank on parenthood to lower your blood pressure. Regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight and limiting salt intake are your safest bets on that front.

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